215.431.3086 tim@oglinedesign.com


Art and Copy work together in a way that speaks to us in a way that goes beyond the literal. Showing without telling and telling without showing, creating a synergy and an appeal that artfully persuades as well as reinforces your value proposition.

Ogline Design can create campaigns that resonate and add value to your brand messaging platform whether in print, online, or outdoor.

BBBS Tampa Bay "How will it Affect Your Workplace?" campaign – Bubbles ad
BBBS Tampa Bay "How will it Affect Your Workplace?" campaign – Tic Tac Toe ad
BBBS Tampa Bay "How will it Affect Your Workplace?" campaign – Gameboy ad
Visit Florida "Great Moments. Great Vacations." campaign – Dining ad
Visit Florida "Great Moments. Great Vacations." campaign – Golf ad
Visit Florida "Great Moments. Great Vacations." campaign – Attractions ad
Don Hilario Estate Coffee Mechanized Age ad
Don Hilario Estate Coffee Metal Axles ad
Don Hilario Estate Coffee Metal Axles ad

Let’s work together... or just say ”Hello.“

4 + 6 =