215.431.3086 tim@oglinedesign.com

Book Covers

Whether it’s a sleek book of modern horror, a sweeping saga of love and war, or an insightful travel memoir… Ogline Design builds covers that get your book noticed.

And it‘s more than just the face of the book, Ogline Design leverages its nearly fifteen years of experience of working with publishing clients to take a holistic approach to the product in book and publication design and production. It‘s more than sweating the small stuff with obsessive attention to kerning and line breaks, but also ensuring that the big picture vision of the author is represented in the final print-ready file sent to the printer.

Additionally, the same care that goes into the print production also goes into the eBook build… ensuring the user experience of the book reflects the author‘s intent as well.

By the Book for the Books

Ben Franklin for Beginners book coverOgline Design principal Tim Ogline brings the same passion to his own projects… His book Ben Franklin For Beginners is a well-regarded middle-grade book.


Nightwatch and Dayshift by William Irwin Thompson
Anatolian Days & Nights by Joy E. Stocke and Angie Brenner
Surprise Encounters by Scott McVay
Open Admissions by Ned Bachus
Empyres: Bloodblind by John Koloski
Out of the Shadows by Michel Jeruchim
Mortal Things by Ned Bachus
Reflections of Us by Zenobia
We Survived the Holocaust by Frank Baker with Tim Ogline

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